Generating power from turbo-expansion, waste steam & HRSG

Gas Pressure Generation

Using the Total Flow Generator (TFG) to bypass existing pressure reduction valves, the TFG will generate significant power as a turbo-expander.  Systems sizes range from 250kW to over 5MW. Whether using natural gas, fluids under pressure from industrial processes like ammonia and ethylene, or refrigerants, the TFG is capable of handling a broad spectrum of pressurized gases.


Natural Gas City Station

Using the TFG as a turbo-expander it generates electricity, which may be used "inside the fence" or sold to the grid. In this example the TFG is used as a bypass the existing pressure reduction valve as gas is moved from the high pressure to low pressure sides.

See Turbo-Expander Specs  below
For a free calculation of your expected power output, go to the
 Gas Power Estimator.